Monday, October 13, 2014

Sensible Response to 'War on Women' Rhetoric

Something so absurd can’t work twice. Democrats spent 2012 talking down to women, and women and most other voters have finally had enough. This piece from TheFederalist is worth a read regarding the hotly contested Colorado Senate race between Corry Gardner and Mark Udall. It might remind you of Ronald Reagan's response to Jimmy Carter's over the top allegations by saying, "There you go again."

Instead of responding to Udall’s incessant fear-mongering by twisting himself into a rhetorical pretzel, Gardner simply dismisses this ludicrous mischaracterization, shrugging off these accusations for the wild blather they are. He then reinforces a reform he, along with Louisiana Gov. Bobby Jindal, champions: permitting the sale of contraception over the counter without a prescription. Udall, Colorado’s heralded Rosie Riveter, mysteriously opposes this proposal …

Still, the Udall gynecological obsession, inevitably buoyed by liberals’ previous political success with this topic, rages on. Even after serving Coloradans on Capitol Hill for 16 years, Udall seems to speak of virtually nothing else. This bizarre political tunnel vision has drawn mockery from the press, who nicknamed the two-term senator “Mark Uterus” and have openly ridiculed his apparent policy dearth.